I read an article entitled,
"Study: School Lunches Healthier" by Kevin Abourezk, published in the Lincoln Journal Star yesterday, October 20th. I really don't think the title was fitting for this article. It commenced with talking about a boy named Josh Hesson who, as an eighth-grader, was the leader of a boycott against school lunches for their being "unhealthy." The article goes on to talk statistics and about how school lunches in Lincoln and in all of Nebraska have gotten progressively healthier since then. So, it was all cohesive until it went from there to talk about phyical education within school districts (a logical transition, I'll admit), but then it went to the importance of daily exercize, and finally ended in a discussion on sex education and how schools are stressing abstinence. While all of this information was good and eve interesting, I failed to see the relevance to the topic (or title). I couldn't find the thesis, if you will; nothing seemed to unify the article- it just went from one subject to the next. So, that kind-of bothered me.
However, I did learn a lot. I found it really awesome that an eighth-grade boy and few of his friends could make that kind of a difference. It just goes to show, if you care enough about something, you can really make a change. All of the statistics (like those from the study by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) they gave to illustrate it were really interesting, too. But, the article only talked about middle schools and high schools. I found myself asking, "Well, what about colleges?" I've heard from many people that Sodexo is not the healthiest choice of food companies. Furthermore, all of my foreign friends think that American food is horrible because all they've had as an example has been the cafeteria. I think it's time someone looked into that...
I also found it fascinating that "about two-thirds of elementary schools provide daily recess." I had always assumed that all elementary schools had to give recess... I couldn't imagine elementary school without it. So, that was pretty shocking.